Sunday, September 6, 2009

Linden Labs at it again...

Linden Labs strikes again with their most recent blunder into community relations. Their proposed change to the Xstreet SL forums, slated to occur only days away on the 9th (hows that for a nice SHORT.. erm.. period of time in which to gather your customers opinions...), will see the death of any conversation not directly related to SecondLife. They support this change by outright admitting that the forum community doesn't fucking matter one danm bit:

Pink Linden -
I wouldn't call the number of merchants who post in this forum the majority by any stretch of the imagination. For example, not a single one of the top 10 merchants who account for a significant percentage of XStreet Revenue are here, ever. With all due respect, we manage the marketplace and the forums for the majority...that is the fairest way. We do try to respect the minority, but it's rarely possible to accomplish this for 100% of a dynamic, active, passionately engaged customer base.
Way to stick it to the community LL. You just went and showed us all in one fell swoop that, to your eyes, we don't matter unless we make you a shit load of money. Guess we know now that to LL: unless it's bundled with packing peanuts made up of crumbled 20$s it just doesn't matter what the contents is.

If you truly managed the forums for the majority you wouldn't fucking care about the top 10 people but I guess when you say majority you mean the majority of money makers... that's the fairest way.

Next I guess we'll get an announcement saying that rezzing will be taken out of the game because the top 10 "biggest money bags" who play the game only buy and sell land...

Guess it's a good thing I've never relied on your forums at all. Though I'll miss reading them now and then.

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