Sunday, August 21, 2011

Moved.. and quite settled.

Well some of you may have seen me popping online again already, this is assuming anyone reads my blog... but whatever.

Our move is complete, and while things aren't all how we want them in the end most things are set up just fine and we've been enjoying living in our new place.

Now this doesn't suddenly mean that I will be on all the time making new stuff or some such, it just means that I can if I feel like it. There's still the fact that I just don't really feel like working as hard as I did in the past. Not sure if it's just lingering burnout of SL, or just cause some days it feels futile or just cause I'm lazy and work makes me chaff :p

Who knows. Eitherway, I do hope to get more work done - whether I do or not is the question.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Well, our moving day moved up a couple - instead of Monday now we're moving on Saturday. This makes Friday a very busy day too getting things as ready as we can, and Saturday, well; we'll be obviously busy.

The appointment has already been made to get our internet connected over there, so hopefully I should only be out of action for the few days it takes to get settled.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Projects

So been working past little while on a few new projects, nothing really to show for it yet it's mostly just a few prims and theories but I hope for things to all work out in the end.

First off been dabling with a new version of my vendor to make it more owner friendly (more dynamic, possibly even easy enough that I can sell it itself) and to allow people to leave reviews of the products right at the vendor.

I've also been working on and off with my A.N.T HUD to coincide with the update to my chastity belt and it's inclusion in the APS category. The HUD will be something to see if all my ideas work out.

Lastly I've been working on an in world project, a puzzle room for use in a dungeon/maze, inspired largely by my recent playing through of Oblivion.

In other news - we will be moving again soon. Monday the 15th to be exact, I'll be moving back to a place where I have greater levels of privacy and should hopefully be able to "get back into the groove" of coding and building on a more regular basis as opposed to now when I really only get the chance at the least ideal times (late night when my brain doesn't work well).