Friday, September 11, 2009

More organized so I can rant better...

On a serious note (best to start here so that when I slip we can just say I'm into my rant) I've added categories to my blog via the Labels function so that people can find posts related to products or general business.

Posts can of course be found in multiple categories like Business, Rants (like this one) because they contain either a rant about business or both a rant and some talk about business. I know it's nothing special or complex but it may help you sift out what kind of thing you want to see.

Now onto my less serious note. Someone hide the knives before I hunt down someone and stab them! Rawr! Kidding, mostly...

I'm getting kind of annoyed at people in game yet again. This time on the topic of updaters. Those things that give us new versions of our favorite products... or spam us to living hell because they're mechanically dumb and literal machines put to the task by an equality inept creator.

Updaters come in a few flavours... mm lemon... no not that kind of flavour but things like web-enabled and script PIN. Some give you a whole new product, some give you an item to update your product, some do it on their own some want you to take part.

The type that ticks me off, is the ones that figure.. because you don't have the latest version.. that you mustn't have gotten the message yet and proceed to spam you again and again and again and again and did I mention again.. with the news and method of updating.

Yo, morons. WHAT IF I DON'T WANT TO UPDATE YOUR FUCKING PRODUCT? Did the thought ever cross your mind that if I wanted an update I'd go out and get it? With your web-enabled product can't you just tell me in a single line "Oh we have an update click (here in menu) or come to (here in world) to update!"? Why do you have to cram a new copy of the same updater I've been rejecting every time you ping your server? Bugger off and let me update when I can/want to.

Even Windows, the bane of all human existence, can turn off auto-updates. That should tell you just how fucking annoying it is to be spammed every single time I dare log into SL with your product updater simply because you're to addle brained to realize that updating my product should be my choice and if I decline I'd like to not have people insist anyway.

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