Thursday, September 24, 2009

Now that's what you call a shit storm...

Well in a suspected but still shocking turn of events today I've lost not only my main showroom and my house but also a friend.

He has seen fit to evict me over the grounds that I was no longer willing to complete the project I started not even two weeks ago (See the post on Sept 12) though he claims 3+ weeks. Go figure. Anyway. I decided not to finish the project based on the merit that there were unstated conditions to the project that he sprung on me a couple days ago.

In a truly ironic twist he claims that I broke his trust by turning him down after seeing a document he wanted me to sign (somehow under the impression that typing my name over the internet was legally binding...). The ironic part is that this document was to make sure that I didn't "run wild" (as he put it) with the scripts after I sold them to him. Can anyone see the problem here? The trust was lost the instant he felt there was a need for such a document, if he has to have some "legal" document to make sure I don't run wild it means he doesn't trust me to not run wild otherwise.

So no, I didn't break your trust by turning you down, there was no trust by that point because you didn't trust me to not run wild. If you don't trust me, without a legal document to keep me in line, why should I trust that you won't just turn around and screw me using the scripts I gave you?

Anyway, it's truly sad that he felt the need to take this so far. A simple "Okay we'll find someone else to script" would have been sufficiant but he wanted to make his point and felt it pertinent to start the conversation with "you're being evicted" (paraphrase).

So anyway, drama aside this means that the stores may be offline for a little bit as I find a new home for my server. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and I'd give you the name of the person you could go thank but that seems more like stooping to his level of pettiness.

Hang with me people, life changed it's not over.

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