Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Here's what I don't get. As a content creator I make things and more specifically as a BDSM content creator I make things restrictive. With the help of RLV of course.

The thing is, for each new feature Marine adds to RLV or I add to my products (and others to their products of course) there seems to be someone else making a counter product.

Raise your hand if you have an item that listens to channel 1. It'd take me all day to count those that are honest and admitted to it. Why so many? What is the point in us making something like a gag and Marine making RLV if we're (I'm guilty of it to in the past I admit) just going to cheat around it? Why buy a product, wear it, let someone (or do it yourself) lock it to block us from chatting or whatever and then just bypass it with something?

Block local, people go to IMs, block IMs and they use notecards, block cards.. then I've seen one girl use group notices to talk. Come on! Don't wear a gag if you're that desperate to talk still, don't wear a gag if you have to use another item to allow IMs to all your friends, or allow teleporting or whatever just because you don't want to be restricted.

Why use RLV or play in BDSM sims to begin with then? It's obvious that you're interested more in cheating out and being free then you are being kidnapped and captured so don't start to begin with and stay free.

Now don't confuse this with something like I don't care for safety. Safety is a big concern of mine and I put Safewords in my products (or equivalent functions) for just such a case, including (if blocked) IMs always being open to the person who locked. But safety isn't IMing all your friends while gagged or teleporting out of a cage cause you're bored or removing a locked item because you're tired of it. Safety is getting free when someone has been irresponsible with your stuff and ran away etc.

Basically, if you don't want to be restricted, don't buy/wear/use items that can restrict you. Sit there and chat with all your friends instead of wasting my time and the time of all us creators by making it look like there's a market for people interested in something like a gag just so that you can cheat out of its restrictions.

I'm sure I'm not the only one a bit ticked off at others making light of our work. Many of us put a lot of effort into making SL enjoyable for the BDSM crowd and frankly it's a kick in the teeth that we try so hard just so that someone can cheat and act as if our stuff is just jewelry instead of bondage equipment.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely concur here, Lylani. One that you don't have listed which bugged the heck out of me is Chat Redirectors that bypass chat restrictions.

    It turns out that by design, a chat or emote redirect ignores sendchat and emote restrictions. Problem is that I use redirectors a lot because I'm often in forms (like pony) where I have a different name (my pony name is Sarcee for example). The good news is that it spurred me to creating my Chat Enhancer product which checks active restrictions and honors sendchat blocks.
