Thursday, October 8, 2009


Scripting sure can piss me off at times, bewilder me too. Here I am trying to work on an inter prim communication that I know damn well should work and it wasn't!! Grr.

In trying to update my Simplicity Cuffs to match my Chastity Belt I changed the prim work of them, starting from scratch and then just plop the scripts in and go right? Wrong!

The two elbow cuffs just refused to talk, they'd listen and respond to commands but they wouldn't talk which meant that the main script couldn't get their keys in order to properly chain when doing poses. What was more confusing and annoying was that the wrists cuffs were talking fine and the scripts were a direct copy/paste to the elbows!! Why then weren't they working?!

So I sat here and tested and ranted and stumped every scritpter out there with this weird problem. The channel is within limit, the listen is open, nothing is being said before the channel is made, the channel is the same on all four cuffs, the commands are all right, the wording is perfect, I reset the scripts 50 times, copied and pasted again, I recompiled, I rerezzed, I logged in and out, danced on my head and nothing worked!

Time and time again they'd listen to commands, responding by trying to chain together but not having the proper keys the chain just hung there. The wrists worked they chained as they should on all the poses they should and the elbows sat there refusing to take part in the party. Even my listener that I set up wasn't hearing them talk.

Of course I realize now if I'd had my head on straight when I made the listener in frustration that I heard them talk before I added the name filter on it (to block chatter on the channel to just my cuffs) but 20/20 hindsight.

So anyway, I was stumped every scripter I could talk to was stumped. And then I saw it. The damn name was wrong! Gah, how can I be so stupid? There was an extra t in the "Simplicity" on both the elbow cuffs that I missed. I remove it, all works. I bang head against wall; stop scripting for the night.

The power and frustration of a little typo. *sighs*

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