Friday, July 17, 2009

An Update on Products


Unfortunately this task is not moving forward so well, data storage is a massive issue and now comes the fact that it can't fulfill specific HUD commands. It isn't programmed to track things like Mouselook and there's no way to dynamically tell it to without presetting a command for such which while I could would mean others are using my defined parameters which may or may not be what they need.

I'm not giving up on it, it just wont be coming as soon as I'd hoped.

Simplicity Cuffs:

They are moving along, with the failure of the AU-HUD and the unique features these cuffs now require from a HUD I'm creating a new one for the cuffs themselves. Now of course this means another HUD slot gets eaten I know and I'm sorry. But not all is lost at least. Taking some data I gathered for use in the AU-HUD this Cuff HUD will be wearable on any HUD slot and still function normally.

It will also be using a dynamic creation filter, what this means is that when the HUD is created it will attach to any slot you define and not just whatever slot is set by default. This should hopefully alleviate some of the annoyance that HUDs bring.

HUD use on the cuffs is also optional. There will be a toggle in the options accessible to the wearer only and only available when the cuffs are unlocked that will deactivate the HUD. The options will still appear in the menus (their controls explained later in this post) but the HUD won't respond and won't be persistent (the cuffs won't care if you take the HUD off). When active all pending HUD commands are sent and the cuffs will want the HUD on at all times.

"Pose Settings" are a different approach to RLV and HUD control. Unlike other cuffs you may see in the market the Simplicity Cuffs don't have all inclusive restrictions. For starters the RLV restrictions are kept to a "realistic" limit. That is to say that the cuffs won't be able to block speech or flight or anything of that sort. They can block rez/edit, show inv and fartouch; logical things that you'd be unable to do when cuffed. Besides RLV there's three (3) HUD controls, Block, Idle Block and Mouselook.

These six (6) options don't function like you'll see in other cuffs. The settings are inclusive with each individual pose. Long and short, if you have three poses in your cuffs "Wrists Front", "Wrists Back", and "BoxTie" you can set the cuffs to automatically apply certain restrictions and settings for each pose. Set "Wrists Front" to block FarTouch, "Wrists Back" to block ShowInv and Block, and "BoxTie" to Idle Block. This would mean then that if you lock the cuffs into Wrists Front that FarTouch will be restricted, shifting it then to Wrists Back would unblock Fartouch but restrict ShowInv and activate the HUD Block. You get the idea?

It's pretty neat :)

So anyway, about the only thing left to do on the cuffs is create the HUD and do a lot of testing. I don't have any predictions of when they will be ready for market but it's getting close.

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