Friday, December 4, 2009

Passing Thoughts

Was sifting through my text files and came across a save of a post I'd made on Second Lifes forums, the thread was discussing the separation of real life and second life and how each of us handles it. Not to toot my own horn per say but I still feel that what I posted there was quite profound (something that doesn't happen to me as often as I may like to think) and felt that I could share it here.

[Name Removed] wrote:
just remember to check emotions and reality at the door when u enter the fantasy world and u will be fine...some ppl dont do that.

Lylani.Bellic wrote:
Some people don't want to. I think, like in any relationship, there are degrees to separation. My friends in SL ask how my day was, we talk about this cold I'm pondering under and how my family annoys me. It's the kind of stuff my 1st life friends talk to me about to. I don't think there's anything different between Second Life and First Life when you consider the degrees. When you meet a stranger in RL do you just spill out your sexual preferences and blather on about how you want to sleep with them or even more innocent topics of how your life is going? There is always that initial barrier, that waiting room period where you tentativly talk to other people, and there's always friends who you talk to and play games with, and there's always someone special whom you hold dear to your heart.

The point is, there is no RL and SL, there is life. And it mixes and moves the same for all of us no matter how hard we try to seperate it. You can act all isolated and act like there is no world outside of SL when you're there and that may work for you, but rest assured what's going on in life is still affecting your actions and reactions in SL no matter how seperate you try to keep them. You may not talk to your buddy about the stress of work, but the stress of work will talk to your buddy.

Specifically the last sentence has stuck with me and I've tried to keep it in mind when dealing with people on a whole. Perhaps something you, the reader, should keep in mind too on your journeys through any and all lives you may lead.

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