Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Internet Worthy

Here's what I don't get. You go out looking for inspiration or mood or just to waste some time surfing the internets vast supply of pictures and you come across - the faceless wo/man.

Why? Blurring, cropping, smuding; whatever, the face of the person out of an image has it's uses, like anonymity in a candid photo. But why, in an image that you are knowingly putting on the internet for all to see do you erase the face?

If you don't want people to see your face: what the hell are you doing posting images of yourself?

There's nothing worse then finding a rare gem of a artistic picture, with pose and rigging done marvelously (for ones tastes) only to have the image cut off at the chin because the model was, despite knowing the image was going to be online, unwilling to show their face. All it does it ruin the image, it doesn't let people see "the pretty work we did just without my face" it removes all value from the image, imo, because who's going to look at art form when there's such a glaring imperfection?

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