Friday, June 26, 2009


With the further development of my Simplicity Cuffs on their road to the market the request came to me to work with a HUD. Now of course we all know the functions of a HUD tied to a set of cuffs, Marine Kelley taught us all to well what a devious mind can create and revoke from us subbies.

Having made a HUD in the past (Blindfold_Hud used with my Slave Harness) I knew the task and knew how to make it "persistent" (the term I use to describe a HUD that is always worn) but at the same time I knew that HUD slots are tight and generally filled. Wearing a blindfold and pair of cuffs and you say goodbye to two of your eight slots.

Now to some this isn't such a tragic thing, I myself only have three HUD items on at most times but it calls for a solution.

So awhile ago I started working on the AU-HUD, a universal HUD that would work off a set API to respond to and communicate with any restraint desired and function for cuffs and blindfolds to block the screen or block sight.

Work on it has progressed but I am left with an issue of data storage. Now this HUD, at least how I have it, will only listen to your attachments so the number of sources is finite in that regard but it would seem more efficient to create it dynamically instead of create lists for the numerous slots.

The data so far that I'm faced with storing is:

AttachmentName | Alpha | Texture | Colour | RLV,RLV,RLV

Now currently I can store those all within a single long string and insert that into a list but that seems like a lot of data to extract and alter each time I'm searching or doing anything.

Anyway the plan for this HUD is for the code to be lGPL along with an API released for content makers to interact with the HUD.

At the moment the code is not up yet but I will link to it when it is so that you can see, edit, and perhaps help build the code to a finished and operational state where it can do it's job decluttering our HUD slots.

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