Raise your hand if you know what a capital letter is. The simple, effective, and proper way to start a sentence capital letter seems to have died out at some point. Why is it that the instant people leave school, if not sooner, and come online they suddenly can't find the shift key on any keyboard?
Personally I don't see what's so hard about using capitals, or other proper punctuation, while writing be it for a term paper or just something like this blog post. Yet there are those who, forgiving the lack of punctuation for such short blurbs of text, totally abandon the use of capital letters in lieu of some drab looking spiel.
Maybe I'm just overly picky or sensitive to such things being an author, programmer and OCD but I just can't fathom how it can be so hard to hit the shift key and be done with it. When I'm reading a notecard or an items menu why is it that so many people just do all lower case despite that, especially in the case of menus/dialogs, what they're writing is a label or prose. I can understand not wanting to use all the 'ticky' punctuation and stuff when you're trying to jot out a quick note or an IM to a friend. But this is business stuff, these are things you sell and yet you show yourself as such an amateur, or worse, a lazy developer, by having bad looking menus or notecards simply because you lack the ability to reach over a smidge and hit that shift key.
Oh well, guess it's not exactly something we can change. People who are lazy will be lazy and hardly see aesthetics or proper written language etiquette as a reason to make the extra effort to use the shift key.
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