Thursday, October 8, 2009


Two posts in one night, wee.

I was looking at some scripts (written by others) after my own crusade into typos and I'm just dumbfounded by what people do. Now, I know I'm a talented scripter I've had many people tell me that but that doesn't change how it amazes me that people are doing things with 150+ lines in a stand alone script that I'm doing with a 30 line function.

I mean really, is that the standard or did I just find a really poor quality script that it has to take a stand alone script to change some variables and lists and do some rlv?

I guess it could come down to style or something but I've seen a few products out there that just have so many scripts in them and it makes me wonder why they're all needed. I'm all for being modular I've got some of that myself; have myself a plug and go RLV script etc but that's a bunch of functions that sort and store large amounts of rlv commands along with auto correcting spelling mistakes and swapping y/rem/n/add where needed (allows me to say @detach=n, add it to the list, then say @detach=y and remove the n from the list) so it isn't something simple that you can just put in a generic control script.

*shurgs* I don't know. To each their own I guess.

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