Saturday, May 22, 2010

The long winded names of little siginificance and much annoyance

Yes I'm talking to you people, those of you who for some inane reason decided you wanted to list your fetish's or the names of all your kids in your name..

Stop it!


Seriously though, such long names cause issues; most specifically names that exceed the 24 character limit of dialog menus. Now yes: it can be argued that LL could just remove the limit but considering you can't even display 24 characters on the size of buttons shown without taking up half your screen I think their limit is justified. It's also a matter of memory, you know that stuff that causes lag ya, that stuff. The more memory a script has to handle just to read your super-duper-cool-name-of-useless-information-that-could-go-in-your-profile the more lag it causes and this is beyond the unnecessary hassle it causes us scriptwriters. I could get into some big techno-jargon rant about how each character in a name equates to bytes but chances are those that would understand me know what I would say anyway and those that wouldn't understand me wouldn't care to know beyond that it causes lag! (If you really care, just ask me in world or in comment; I'm [normally] willing to educate)

What if I want to make something that gives a list of people nearby? Common enough desire right? Well guess what, your name, your name alone, will crash a script: you cause it to fail. This is unless the coder expected this and took precautions to not allow the script to overload but hey.. look, there's that more memory thing again.. more lines of code, more memory used just to cut your name down in size so that it's possible to be used in scripts.

Neither I, or the consumer, should have to deal with your name simply because you had some arbitrary reason to use an unnecessarily long name. Frankly I don't care what excuse or reason you have for the length: there is no name that needs to be longer then 24 characters (combined length of first and last).

So please, for the sake of us all; despite that the memory usage is rather small, stop with the really long names.

(And yes this post does contain mockery of those with long names)

Friday, May 14, 2010


My files are back!!

Just spent the last few hours going over the old hard drive that had suffered damage in an electrical surge copying over all the data I wanted to keep (and that I could think of). So all my files are safe and sound on the new hard drive now :)

Friday, May 7, 2010


Well, thanks to

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pissed Off

Guess what I just found out?

Turns out that 'friend' I had my falling out with awhile back isn't done being an asshole. I just found one of his newer creations, powered by scripts bearing my name as creator and function suspiciously identical to scripts I wrote awhile ago. And he's using them without my permission. How did he get them? I wrote them when I was friends with him, used them in a device on his property and, seeing as he booted me (and afaik banned me) from his land when we had our falling out I could never go and reclaim it.

So now he has it, and is using it in his product that has his name on it. If a DMCA was easier to file it'd be done already, but as is it's to much of a hassle for an object I found sitting in a play sim. But rest assured if that product hits stores and it contains my scripts still, I may just go through the hassle of filing a DMCA if only to see him burn for his unfathomable arrogance.

What do you think, you think a script created and written by me and basically stolen from me, then used without my permission is a violation of copyright and IP (Intellectual Property) rights?