As with anything once you stop it's generally harder to start again, the power of momentum is by far not restricted to physics. Anyway, I'm sort of getting back into things; I've done a bit of scripting and improved my leash script but mostly its just small steps, little work here and there.
I don't know if I can ever return to the way I was before, capable of working non stop for almost an entire day but then that's what burnt me out in the first place and there's no practical use of going so full tilt beyond releasing products faster. But what's the use in making anything at all if I can't even sit around and enjoy it now and then? I've made a fair bit of L$ from sales, long ago recouping the money I spent on SL when I started, and I am fairly comfortable most times to be able to pay rent and buy stuff off my profits. But again, what's the use if I never get around to using it.
I've long known I need to work at being more social in SL, communication with others; especially strangers, is not always easy for me as I am naturally cynical of human beings as a society. This is my burden to carry and I deal with my trust issues all the time and it really isn't fair to anyone, myself included, if I seclude myself. Of course being gagged by my Master doesn't exactly help me in being social but that's besides the point.
Point is, getting back into scripting, getting back into feeling like I can enjoy SL, may take a while, it may never fully come back; that spark that holds me here is hard to maintain and it may require a lot of effort on my part and the part (as unknowing of their role as they may be) of others who interact with me to do so.
Scripting alone can no longer hold me here I think; it has to become a byproduct of my time, not the reason I exist.