Welcome to my crazy world of scripting and.. well, general mayhem. Frankly I don't know how active I can be on a blog like this but I can try to at least list new products that I'm working on or that I have a release date for.
I guess to start off lets give a bit about who I am and what I do beyond what little I wrote in my profile.
I'm a scripter and builder, working alone thus far, to make my unique products. Not that cages and toys are all that unique but if you've seen some of my work already you know that I'm pretty good at adding little twits to things that makes them far from ordinary and far from nice in some cases.
Why make products so restrictive? Well beyond the obvious that there's a market for them it's also based upon a personal fantasy many of us within the BDSM community have. Lets face it, we (most of us at least) know what's real and what is realistic, and we know what's not. SecondLife is a great place to mess around with those thoughts in our heads of things we know just aren't fesiable or safe to do in RL.
"But it's just a game, it doesn't compare to rl.." well that's true to some extent, it's not really a game, there's no goal to it. Beyond semantical nonsense it's more then just a virutal world too, todays society connects with the internet from an early age; we can relate to it, through it and because of it to other people we may never get to meet otherwise.
Does it replace a good life? Far from it, but it can pass the time or allow you to play with people whom you've met online and wouldn't ever have the chance of doing in rl.
Anyway, I digress (as I oft do), I like to make my products with as many options as I can think of; my friends joke about how long I take doing stuff then but I prefer that the end user has the option to do nearly anything they think of. Why limit something to presets I desire for myself when someone else may want something in between? It's just as easy for me to write it freeform the first time. Let the user decide how much or how little of my products options they want to use. In some cases the options may draw in a whole new crowd of customers, mixing a more common fetish of chastity belts with a lesser one of ponyplay (which I do enjoy from time to time) means I can sell to people in and out of the ponyplay fetishism. Those outside of it will never have to touch those options, and those in it are now my new customers because I targeted them as well.
Of course speaking of my Chastity Belt it is a product I've been working on since early December of last year and it is, thankfully and finally, comeing pretty darn close to being done. Sadly there is a lot of bug hunting still to do and I'm stuck in a few places of how to do the remaining desired features in as low lag of a way as possible. I've also side tracked (I probably have ADHD) to start and finish other products in the mean time.
So I'll stop rambling now, I'll probably post again when I have my latest cage finished and up for sale which should be sometime this week if all goes well.
Farewell for now.